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Good Resolutions 2024 for a Crossfitter!

CrossFitters! 2024 is here and with it comes the time to set new goals! While many make resolutions to lose weight or read more, we CrossFitters have a slightly different approach. Here's an ironic (but sincere) guide to navigate WODs, calluses and chalk in the new year!

Good Resolutions 2024 for every self-respecting CrossFitter

Become a Chalk Ninja

This year, learn the art of using the magnesite without turning the gym into a horror movie scene. Remember, a true chalk ninja knows when enough is enough!

Honor your bar

Treat your barre with the respect it deserves. Clean it after each use, and remember, a well-maintained bar is a friendly bar.

Running is your friend

Running has never been a CrossFitter's favorite pastime, but in 2024, we promise to give to the running a chance. Or at least not to complain out loud every time.

Sacralize the Day of Rest

Il day of rest it is as sacred as strength day. It's the moment when your muscles recover, ready for the next assault on the gym.

Use it to recharge, not to sneak in another secret training session.

Long live the Coach and Training Partners

Your coach is the compass on your fitness journey, and your training partners are your battle partners. Show respect and support. Remember, the true spirit of CrossFit® is found in the community.

Be Honest with Repetitions

This year, we make a point of counting every single rep, nothing zanzarep. Even the ones that no one sees, because in the end, the only judge of your progress is you.

Compare yourself only with yourself

CrossFit® isn't just a physical challenge, it's also a mental challenge. Focus on yourself, your progress and your achievements. The real comparison is with yesterday's you.

Don't Neglect Your Warm Up and Cool Down

In 2024, we promise to dedicate sufficient time to warm-up and cool-down. Yes, even those boring stretching exercises you avoid like birthday burpees. If you need some tips, don't panic: this article is for you!

Patience, Patience, Patience

La patience is the key. Results don't come overnight, but with hard work and dedication. This year, we pledge to be patient with ourselves and our journey.

Constance is the password

Last but not least, consistency. CrossFit® is a journey, not a destination. Maintaining consistency will be our mantra for 2024. And if you have any advice for keep motivated, well… here you will find many!

Guys…These 2024 resolutions are more than just a list; they are a commitment to ourselves and to our community of CrossFitters.

With a mixture of seriousness and humor, we face 2024 ready to sweat, laugh and, above all, improve. Whether it's lifting heavier weights, improving technique, or simply enjoying the journey, let's remember to do it with passion and determination.

I hope that 2024 is the year in which every drop-in becomes an opportunity to learn, every WOD a challenge to be accepted with enthusiasm, and every day of rest a moment to appreciate the progress made.

And remember, ultimately, the real goal is to enjoy every moment spent in the garage! Babi 😉

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