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Maximum strength: definition, examples and training

La force ceiling represents a fundamental aspect in the context of physical training and athletics. It is an indicator of maximum amount of force an individual can exert in a single effort or during a maximum effort.

This concept is crucial in many sports and forms of training, as adequate maximal strength is often essential to achieving success.

What is Maximum Strength and How Is It Measured?

Maximum strength refers to maximum amount of force an individual can generate in a single effort against resistance.

It is the result of the coordinated activation of the muscular motor units involved in the movement. This type of strength is distinctly different from endurance strength, which focuses on the ability to support weight for an extended period of time.

Maximal strength comes often measured through specific tests, such as the 1RM test (one maximum repetition), which consists of performing a single effort to lift the maximum weight possible in a given exercise.

This test provides a direct assessment of maximal strength in relation to a specific movement.

Examples of Exercises for Maximum Strength

There are many exercises that aim to develop maximal strength in various parts of the body. Here are some examples.

Barbell Squats

This exercise involves the lifting a barbell placed on the shoulders, with the goal of lowering yourself into a deep squat position and then returning to a standing position.

Training with it squatting It is effective for developing strength in the legs, buttocks and lower back.

Deadlifts from the ground

This exercise involves lifting a heavy load from the floor to a standing position, focusing on engaging the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

Flat bench

La flat bench is an exercise that involves lifting a barbell from the horizontal position to full extension of the arms above the chest.

This exercise aims to develop strength in the upper body, particularly in the pectoral muscles, anterior deltoids and triceps.

push ups

Push ups are a fundamental exercise that involves the lifting body weight from the prone position until the arms are fully extended.

This exercise is great for building strength in your arms, shoulders and core.


I pull-up they involve lifting your body weight above a fixed bar, focusing on engaging your back and biceps muscles.

This exercise is effective for developing upper body strength and improving back muscle endurance.

Ideal training

To improve maximal strength, it is essential to follow a specific training program that includes targeted exercises and an adequate progression protocol.

Some key principles of maximal strength training include:

Maximal strength is a crucial aspect of physical training and athletics, which requires a adequate training program and correct execution of the exercises.

With a targeted and consistent approach, you can significantly improve your maximal strength and achieve tangible results in your fitness and sports performance goals.

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Photo credits: Daria Sasanelli
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