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Stiff neck and Sport: Winning Strategies to Prevent and Deal with Neck Pain

Does training give you a stiff neck? Sport is important for feeling good and staying healthy, but eincorrect execution of a particular movement, like a handstand push up  or a swimming stroke, it can end up causing neck pain.

Often people don't realize that their business is to blame; so, try winning strategies to stay active and avoid stiff neck when playing sports!

Stiff neck and sport: Why?

Neck pain can result from a excessive use of neck and shoulder muscles (many shoulder muscles also connect to the neck), from strain on the neck joints, or from a pinched nerve in the neck or shoulder area.

One of the biggest causes of neck pain is poor posture during an activity.

Instead of lowering their chin to achieve a neutral posture, some people keep their chin forward and their shoulders slouched. This causes the chin to protrude and creates tension in the neck and surrounding muscles.

Il trapezius muscle suffers the brunt of this tension; it is a large diamond-shaped muscle that begins at the base of the skull, widens at the shoulders and reaches the middle of the back.

It is usually a dull, stinging pain; or you may have a headache from the muscles at the base of the skull.

How to avoid stiff neck?

Here are some ways common activities cause neck pain and some quick remedies to combat it.


In CrossFit, some movements can put significant strain on the neck and shoulders, increasing the risk of stiff neck. Here are some examples of these movements and strategies to prevent it:

Olympic Lifts (how Snatch and Clean & Jerk): These exercises require high shoulder mobility and rapid neck extension during the lift.

Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU) and Wall Walks: These exercises put a lot of stress on the neck when pushing the body upward from an upside down position.

Kipping Pull-Ups: The rapid swinging and pulling motion can cause strain on the neck and shoulders if not done correctly.

Burpees and Box Jumps: Even if they don't directly put stress on the neck, the rapid flexion and extension of the body can lead to muscle strains that include the neck.


Bending over to reach the handlebars of a bicycle or mountain bike can cause your back to round and your shoulders to arch up to your ears.


When you swim, always turning your head to the same side to breathe, you strengthen the muscles on one side of your neck and shorten those on the other side; performing freestyle, in particular, can strain the neck muscles.


Extending the neck during the swing causes tension; Carrying the golf bag on the same side all the time causes uneven muscles and pain.


Look up when doing the posedownward dog” can lengthen the neck; turning your neck too much when looking behind you can put strain on your neck joints.

Relief and prevention of neck pain

Lo Light stretching can help relieve neck pain. Slowly tilt your head to the side, from ear to shoulder, then do the same on the other side.

But don't do it if it increases the pain!

Remember that maintaining proper form during physical activity prevents neck pain, as well as strengthening the neck, shoulder and core muscles.

And you, have you ever suffered from stiff neck? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel

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