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Swelling: how to prevent it and the foods to avoid


Sooner or later, in the course of life, it happens to everyone to feel bloated, or to experience that unpleasant sensation of air and pressure in the belly. Swelling is, in fact, very common, so much so that occurs in 30% of the world population!

Fortunately, it is a short-term problem in most cases and tends to recede on its own after being triggered by large meals or particular foods.

For some people, however, swelling is a chronic problem that causes moderate to severe symptoms and negatively affects quality of life.

Causes of the swelling

Gas like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and methane are introduced into the intestine through ingestion of air and the fermentation of food within the large intestine.

The increased gas in the intestines can cause abdominal bloating and tension; this can be caused by:

Foods that cause bloating

Many people experience abdominal bloating immediately after eating certain foods that contain high amounts of non-digestible compounds, such as insoluble and soluble fiber, sugar alcohols, and fructose.

When you eat these foods, the undigested fibers and sugars end up in the large intestine, where bacteria ferment them, leading to an increase in gas; the specific foods that can cause bloating are:

Not all people experience bloating after ingesting these foods; it may be helpful to keep a food diary in case of bloating so that you can identify which foods may be problematic.


There are some good habits to practice on a daily basis to avoid abdominal bloating:

Have you ever had abdominal bloating? How did you fight it? Let us know in the comments!

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