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The Dead Hang: A Revolutionary Exercise for Strength and Posture

Il Dead Hang is a seemingly simple, yet incredibly effective exercise which consists of hanging from a bar to strengthen the upper body and improve posture.

Don't be fooled by its apparent simplicity; This movement, accessible to people of all fitness levels, offers a wide range of benefits, let's discover them together!

What is Dead Hang or Vacuum Suspension?

The dead hang is a suspension exercise which can be done comfortably at home.

It consists inhang from a bar with your arms extended and feet off the ground. Unlike other exercises that require you to lift the body, in empty suspension, the goal is to support and balance the body weight under the bar.

Types of Dead Hang: Passive and Active

There are two main types of vacuum suspension: passive and active.


Vacuum suspension offers a full range of benefits for the body, strengthening the force and the resistance of different muscle groups.

The muscles worked and strengthened include the forearms, hands, lats, pectoral muscles, upper back, shoulders and core muscles.

Improved Grip Strength with Dead Hang

Vacuum suspension is an excellent activity for improve the strength of pinch (made with three fingers).

By supporting your body weight for prolonged periods, you strengthen your grip, which is essential not only for managing devices such as your phone, but also for reducing the risk of loss of mobility as you age.

Spinal Decompression and Upper Body Stretching

One of the most common questions about vacuum suspensions is whether they decompress the spine.

The answer is yes!

Spinal decompression during vacuum suspension opens the space between the vertebrae, allowing the protruding disc to return to its place.

This releases pressure from the surrounding soft tissues and nerves.

Additionally, this practice provides a deep stretch to the upper body, engaging muscles such as the broad lats, traps, and rhomboids, as well as the shoulder and arm muscles.

Posture Improvement and Core Strengthening

La posture can benefit you greatly from empty suspension, since the relaxation of the back muscles contributes to better alignment.

Spinal decompression during exercise helps restore space between the bones, joints and discs of the back, reducing lower back pain, improving posture and preventing injury.

Furthermore, the vacuum suspension actively involves the muscles of core in an isometric contraction to stabilize the body.

Even if you don't move your body during the exercise, your core muscles are constantly engaged, including deeper ones like the diaphragm and transversus abdominis.

Correct technique

Performing the dead hang is relatively simple but requires attention to technique.

In conclusion, the dead hang turns out to be a versatile and effective exercise for everyone, offering a series of benefits that go beyond simple muscle strengthening.

Integrating this practice into your training routine can significantly contribute to improving strength, posture and preventing muscle and spinal problems.




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