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Things NOT TO DO before a WOD

To get the most out of each CrossFit® session, it's important pay attention to what you do before starting your workout.

There are some things you should absolutely avoid before entering the box and tackling the WOD:

Here are the 8 things not to do before a WOD:

1. A large meal too close to the training session

After you eat, your body directs blood flow to the digestive organs, and when you exercise, the body tries to send blood to the muscles you're training. There digestion and physical activity are therefore in competition.

As a result, neither side receives the blood flow needed for optimal digestion or performance. This can lead to bloating, nausea, and even vomiting.

For which don't eat a large meal too close to your training session; try to finish your meal 2 or 3 hours before going to the gym.

2. Too much coffee

La caffeine is a common supplement to take before a workout, but a Excess caffeine can cause muscle contractions in the colon and increase the urgency to go to the bathroom.

In addition to needing to go to the bathroom, too much caffeine can cause insomnia, fast or irregular heartbeat, anxiety, heartburn, and increased blood pressure.

3. Cardio before weight training

When it comes to building muscle, you need to focus on priority exercises to achieve your goals. Cardio training intensely involves the whole body, and If you plan to lift weights immediately after doing cardio, you may not be able to lift the weights you intended.

If anything, opt for a short walk to warm up!

4. Drinking too much water

It's important hydrate, but in moderation. No drink too much water before or during training. This phenomenon is called “hyperhydration” and can lead to a low level of sodium in the blood, called hyponatremia.

5. Drink alcohol

THEalcohol slows down reaction time, coordination, balance and it makes you feel tired. This not only makes your workout less effective, but it also makes it more dangerous. Plus, it will dehydrate you faster.

6. Perform abdominal exercises before weight training

Since the trunk is involved in almost all weight exercises, It is advisable not to start with abdominal training. If you do sit-ups before a session, your performance may be compromised.

Reserve the exercises for the abdominals at the end of your workout, to end on a high note!

7. Long rest

Le short breaks are acceptable (20-30 minutes), they will make you feel more energetic and fit. A long break will have the opposite effect: you may feel even more tired.

8. Not planning your WOD

face a WOD without a strategy or goal in mind can lead to underachievement and potentially to injuries.

Before training, plan what intensity and workload you want to tackle and set a realistic goal.

9. Skipping post-workout recovery:

After a WOD, it is important to dedicate time to recovery. Perform static stretching to improve muscle flexibility, re-hydrate, and consider using tools like a foam roller to relieve muscle tension.

In conclusion, There are things not to do before a WOD and preparing carefully is essential to ensure a safe and effective training session.

By following these tips and taking the right precautions, you can maximize the benefits of CrossFit® and continue to improve your performance without putting your health at risk.

Listening to your body and consulting with your coach are key to a successful workout.

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