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Who is the inventor of burpees?

In the immense panorama of fitness today, exercises stand out that not only challenge the body, but also the determination and force mental. Among these, burpeses have earned a prominent place. But who invented this exercise and what is its history?

Read on and let's find out together!

What Are Burpees?

Burpees, formerly known as squat thrusts, are a compound exercise that involves several fundamental movements: leg bending, plank position and jumping.

This bodyweight exercise, which does not require special tools, it is often considered a complete workout as it engages multiple muscle groups and offers numerous benefits for cardiovascular and muscular health.

Where do burpees come from?

The exact origin of burpees is a matter of debate, but the their creation is generally attributed to Royal H. Burpee, an American physiologist.

In the late 30s, Burpee developed a fitness test called “Squat Test” to gauge the strength and agility of his patients; the exercise consisted of four main movements: the standing position, the bending of the legs, the plank position and the return to the standing position.

The test required these movements to be performed as quickly as possible, with the aim of measuring the endurance and efficiency of the cardiovascular system.

In later years, the Burpee “Squat Test” became an integral part of military and athletic training. The exercise underwent modifications over time, with the addition of the jump at the end to further intensify the training; this variant spread widely among the military, becoming a popular exercise for increasing physical endurance and strength.

How did burpees enter general fitness?

Burpees then made their way into general fitness training, thanks to theirs Effective in burning calories, improving muscle strength and strengthening the cardiovascular system.

In recent decades, they have been incorporated into high-intensity training routines (HIIT) and exercise circuits for their ability to provide tangible results in a short amount of time.

Technique and execution 

Performing burpees correctly requires coordination, strength, and endurance.

The exercise begins with a flexion of the legs followed by a position plank, which tests core and arm strength, then lowers your chest towards the floor.

The next movement is a jump that stresses the muscles of the legs and trunk. This combination of movements provides a complete challenge for the entire body and helps improve coordination and balance.


A few considerations…

Despite the benefitsBurpees aren't for everyone. People with joint or cardiovascular problems should consult a doctor before including this exercise in their routine.

It's important perform burpees with the correct technique to avoid injuries, starting perhaps with a limited number of repetitions and gradually increasing them as your physical form improves.

In conclusion, burpees represent a dynamic and challenging exercise which has roots in the world of military training and physical training.

Through its various evolutions over the years, exercise has become a mainstay of high-intensity fitness routines, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health.

So, if you're up for a full-body challenge, burpees could be the perfect addition to your workout routine.

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