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Have you learned the thruster? 5 WODs to apply it

WOD with thruster

I was rereading an old article on the thruster, written two years ago for CrossMag.

I must say that the introduction was quite straightforward:

The thruster is not un just exercise. AND the exercise.

I would say that it is.

The thruster: a quick refresher

A little clean, a little front squat, and a little push press. A deadly combo, no doubt about it. It shouldn't be necessary to repeat everything stranded - the article is linked above - but:

You made a rep. For variety, you can think of using, instead of the barbell, the kettlebells, or the handlebars.

However you do it, with the thruster you do a practically full body movement - difficult to find one that involves so many muscle groups: an intense push, and that you can load at will. In short, a dream!

How to thruster best

You never stop learning… nor of improve with technique. To give the best with the thruster, and make it efficient and profitable, you can think of:

WOD with thruster

Now, let's get to the core. Where can you use the thruster? Let's see a bit of WOD, between the classic and the historical.

Open 17.5

Directly from the 2017 games, the Open WOD. Simple simple:

10 rounds per time

9 thrusters (95/65 lb)

35 double under

Problems with the jump rope? There is the article that tells you how become a double under black belt.

The seven (also called "The seven of the CIA")

Backbreaking. Like all hero WODs, it is a torment.

7 rounds per time

7 handstand push ups

7 thrusters (135/95 lb)

7 knees to elbows

7 deadlifts (245/165)

7 burpees

7kb swings

7 pull up

Tribute to September XNUMXth

Race, 2001 meters

11 di: box jump / thruster (125/85) / pull up chest-to-bar / power clean / handstand push up / kb swing / toes-to-bar / deadlifts (170/115) / push jerk (110/75 )

Race, 2001 meters


One of the original WODs.

21-15-9 for time

Thruster (95/65lb)

Pull up

31 heroes

A very powerful Hero WOD, to do with a partner.

AMRAP, 31 minutes

Athlete 1:

8 thrusters (155/105 lb)

6 rope climbs

11 box jumps

Athlete 2:

Bag run (45/25 lb), 400 meters


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