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What to eat before and after each WOD

CrossFit® is much more than just physical activity: it is an experience that requires energy, dedication and proper nutrition to achieve amazing results.

A critical component to maximizing the benefits of any workout, known as “WOD” (Workout of the Day), and the nutrition.

That is why today we will focus on this topic, to help you understand what to eat before and after each WOD to maximize performance and recovery.

Before Training (pre-wod)

The pre-workout meal is crucial in providing your body with the energy it needs to tackle intense workouts. Here are some guidelines for optimizing your pre-workout meal:

Complex Carbohydrates

Opt for complex carbohydrates like oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes or Quinoa. These carbohydrates provide long-term energy and keep blood sugar stable during exercise.

Lean Protein

Include sources of protein skinny like chicken, turkey, fish or legumes. Protein helps repair muscles damaged during training and supports muscle growth.

Healthy Fats

Add healthy fats such as avocados, nuts or Chia seeds. Fats provide sustained energy and support joint health.


Drink plenty water throughout the day, but avoid drinking too much before training to avoid discomfort during physical activity.

Time of Hiring

Eat yours pre-workout meal about 1-2 hours before training. This will give your body time to digest and absorb nutrients.

After Workout (post wod)

The post-workout meal is just as important, since your body needs nutrients to recover and rebuild muscle after an intense workout or competition.

Here's what you should consider for your post-workout meal:

High Quality Protein

Le Proteins are essential for muscle recovery. Opt for high-quality sources of protein such as lean meat, fish, or eggs whey protein (whey).

Fast Carbs

After training, it is useful to include fast carbohydrates such as bananas, red fruits or wholemeal bread. These carbohydrates help replenish muscle glycogen stores depleted during training.

Restoring Hydration

Make sure you hydrate yourself properly with water or electrolyte drinks to restore the fluids lost during training.

Vitamins and Minerals

Consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit, to support the immune system and aid recovery.

Time of Hiring

Try to consume the post-workout meal within 1-2 hours after training to optimize the anabolic window in which your body is most receptive to nutrients.

Pre and Post Workout Snacks

If you have little time between main meals and training, you can opt for light and nutritious snacks:

Pre-Workout Snacks:

Post-Workout Snacks:

As you can see, nutrition plays a key role in the success of your journey CrossFit®. Eating strategically before and after each workout can improve your performance, aid recovery, and stimulate muscle growth.

Remember that theIndividuality plays a big part in nutrition, so experiment with different foods and strategies to find what works best for you.

With a careful approach to nutrition, you can maximize your efforts and achieve your goals in the world of CrossFit®.

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