If I say bodybuilding, the first name that will come to your mind will surely be to Arnold.
It was above all the Schwarzenegger physicist who brought to the fore the aesthetic aspect of the traditional bodybuilder: statuary, carved, symbol of force and power.
Bodybuilders were also strong, because the discipline evolved from traditional weightlifting, the Strogman and other strength sports. In constant pursuit of low percentages of body fat, bodybuilding also associated weight-training with cardio.
(if you've never seen the movie Pumping Iron, which tells the spirit of American bodybuilding, I suggest you watch it)
Bodybuilding today: aesthetics, mass ... and then?
Il bodybuilding has evolved - the physicists we see on the stages of the competitions in these years are significantly different: just look at the prominent abdomens and the enormous muscular masses to guess how the target is now different.
Today's bodybuilders would find it difficult to follow the performances of professional Crossfit athletes powerlifting, the Strongman.
Too many isolation exercises hold back the development of the body's natural mechanics.
However, many of the basic bodybuilding exercises – especially those that use free weights – are great resources for working on strength and conditioning.
They are essential for those who, in addition to appearing powerful, really want to be.
Thrusts over the head for strength and conditioning
Strict Overhead press o Military press
Our slow forward, was the basis of the first weight lifting contests. The weight movement is controlled estremanente, resolving in a greater time under tension.
It is an exercise for theupper body complex, which makes the shoulders and arms work and which bodybuilders use as a foundation for the mass construction in these areas of the body.
Push press
It performs like the slow forward, but taking advantage of the initial thrust of the legs. Requires explosive force, and is particularly useful for sportspeople who need it: field sports, football, martial arts ...
La push press allows you to lift more weights, thus overloading your muscles - one of the stimuli for growth.
The importance of pushing over the head
Strength, explosiveness, stability and co-ordination: the thrusts with barbell or dumbbells strengthen them all. I am then excellent metabolic conditioning exercises.
Sometimes, because of the shoulder anatomy, can not be comfortable practicing them with full ROM. In which case the use of dedicated machines can be used. But it is only a temporary solution, and we recommend always work on joint mobility and technique: doing it will repay much more than just sitting on a car bench.
Examples of inclusion in WODs
Bear complex by weight
5 rounds consisting of a repetition each of:
Power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press
At the end of each round, the weight is increased.
5 round for time of:
12 push press / 20 box jumps
20 AMRAP minutes of
30 box jumps / 20 push press / 30 pull ups