The French three-day event, which was held, also comes to an end last weekend (June 23-25) in Paris! On the podium many Italian athletes, who fought tooth and nail to conquer the top of the standings.
Definitely a tough race, with demanding wods and rather high loads, especially for the masters, who have struggled to close some tests. At the end of day2, a cut to 5 has cut out the majority, putting an end to the coveted desire to win the title.
Let's see how it went:
Recap French Throwdown 2023: final wod
9-7-5 ring MU
OVH SQUATS (70kg- 50kg)
tc: 5 min
5 rounds
tc: 10 min
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Winners of the French Throwdown 2023
Elite woman
Valentina Magalotti maintained a steady pace throughout the competition, managed to bring home two wins in the events and we often saw her at the top of the standings. She managed to pass the cut and she participated in the final, finishing as 4th.
In the end he finished this competition in 9th overall!
- Karin Frey (Slovakia)
- Metty Greneron (France)
- Jeromine Geroudet (France)
- Laura Mugnier (France)
- Solveig Sigurdardottir (Iceland)
- Ylva Stalnacke (Sweden)
- Elena Carratala Sanahuja (Spain)
- Natalie Niska (Sweden)
- Valentina Magalotti (Italy)
- Jennifer Brasseur (Belgium)
Elite men
In the men's division there was no one: Enrico Zenoni showed his all force and passion for our sport dominating the rankings from the 2nd day.
He got rid of 2 games athletes Giorgos Karavis and Kealan Henry and French favorite Victor Hoeffer, who gave him a bit of a hard time,
He won 2 events and maintained consistent results on most of the wods… exceptional race for our Zen!
- Enrico Zenoni (Italy)
- Victor Hoffer (France)
- Giorgos Karavis (Greece)
- Kealan Henry (South Africa)
- Casper Gammelmark (Denmark)
- Jan Arnd Finkenberg (Germany)
- Carlos Ferrara Coloma (Spain)
- Antoine Dumain (France)
- Benjamin Barbier (France)
- Grzegorz Maraszkiewics (Poland)
Elite teams
The elite team category had a cut of 10. We had only one team to represent us, La Licorne et les Sangliers who did not pass the cut and finished the race 15th overall.
- Team Butchers Lab (Denmark)
- CFC x Unlimited Fitness (France)
- Flaek X (Denmark)
- Nortada CrossFit ® (Portugal)
- CrossFit ® Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
- C23 CrossFit ® Training North (Spain)
- TrainCult (Spain)
- Mjollnir X Puma (France)
- Lift Heavy Row Fast (Netherlands)
- Facherstoffl (Germany)
Italian athletes on the podium of the French Throwdown 2023
As we like to say: CF isn't just the elite category, we've had loads of good guys put on a show on the floor.
They held out for three days, spitting out their blood and some of them succeeded: they reached the podium.
Let's discover them all:
Intermediate woman
Roberta Fiorini: conquers the bronze 3rd overall
men's x-rays
Gianluigi Benvenuti: conquers the bronze 3rd overall
Masters 35-39 men
Michele Ferrari: wins gold 1st overall
Alessandro Serrani; comes 5th overall
Masters 40-44 men
Tommaso Ruggieri: conquers the bronze 3rd overall
Michele Gardini: arrives 4th overall
Masters 40-44 women
Elisa Righi: conquers the bronze 3rd overall
Cristina F. Andries: arrives 5th overall
Masters 50-54 women
Paola Cerrone: conquers the bronze, 3rd overall
Masters 55+ men
Francesco Gamberini: arrives 4th overall
Masters 55+ female
Emanuela Scarpelli: wins the gold 1st overall
Scaled men
Michele Fanelli: conquers the bronze 3rd overall
Nicola Suzzi: arrives 5th overall
Team Intermediates
Team 2 lomi and 2 lome: wins the 2nd overall silver
Team RX
Team Vairus: wins the silver 2nd overall
Team Chiappe-Aux: wins the bronze 3rd overall
Team Scaled
Team Error 404: wins gold 1st overall
Team Ah Benon; they come 4th